Do you use a WordPress blog? I probably should have told you about this a couple of weeks ago, but I wanted to try this out for myself, first – and I've been sooooooo busy.

Quick question for you. Let's say I just gave you a plugin that allowed you to drip feed your articles into your blog… upload a zip file containing a bunch of text files, each representing an article… and you could specify you want those articles to get scheduled 1 week apart, 4 days apart, 72 hours apart, and so on. You could also tell WordPress what time of day you wanted to post the articles. Would that be worth $47 to you, to save hours and hours of work? Because that's what a couple of people are selling those plugins for. If you go to anyone else, it would probably cost you $47 just for that one plugin… but that's just a taste of what I have for you here! –>

View the on-line videos:


You read right. I'll give you 9 plugins that do everything from

* regularly import multiple full RSS feed content as blog posts… so you don't have to update your blog anymore.

* Automate the call-to-actions asking people to leave comments.

* Show the number of posts, comments, and videos available on your blog.

* Publish posts from your drafts if a ton of people comment (the ten comment rule!)

Should I keep going?

What about those plugins that put your blog on autopilot, so you don't have to update it anymore? Or maybe, you want a plugin that does something special every time you create a new post… like automatically copying each post onto Twitter for social marketing. BUT THAT'S STILL JUST A PIECE OF WHAT YOU GET!

Ever had a great idea for a plugin that you just couldn't find anywhere? Maybe one that doesn't exist yet? What if you could build your own? You've probably heard of Robert Plank. He's made so many WordPress plugins that he decided to create "PHP templates" for them to make the job easier. If you want to make a sidebar widget… open a file and fill in a couple of blanks. I've got 7 of those kinds of templates. You can handle posts, custom fields that apply to the whole WordPress blog, custom fields that only apply to specific posts, embed video and other "repetitious" code… just fill stuff in with PHP code. –>

Have a look,.. There are a lot of possibilities here. 

The "WordPress Crusher" package contains those 9 plugins, plus 7 fill-in-the blank templates… 86 pages of detailed PDF documentation, 31 minutes of quick start "how to install all the plugins" videos… and 4.7 hours of full WordPress training so you can make any changes you want. If any of this sounds good to you, make sure to take a look at this site and videos right now… WP-Crusher

[tags]wordpress plugin, wordpress plugins, wordpress crusher[/tags]

Categories: SEO


Los Angeles bail bonds · July 22, 2009 at 12:45 pm

I personally used a firm that did a 250,000 site submissions for my site. It worked great. But, results now take a few months.

Also, Best to get some FREE trial software to NOT only get listed, but, get high on the search engine results.

Los Angeles bail

Austin criminal defense lawyer · July 22, 2009 at 12:45 pm

I have downloaded some free trial SEO software, just a few days ago, so have not used it yet! But, I’m really learning a lot for the free software. If they put this into an ebook, I’m sure they could sell quite a few copies!

Austin lawyer

San Diego attractions · July 22, 2009 at 12:46 pm

I have used a few SEO firms and so far the best in my opinion is
But, they have some great SEO information on their site. Plus, you’ll find 1st. class SEO software with free trial downloads. This is a great way to try out and gage the effects of the software.

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Orange County bail bonds · July 22, 2009 at 12:47 pm

Best to invest in a good website. NAR’s 2005 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers showed 77% of buyers used the Internet in their search! This is a HUGE number!

Everyone wants to be on page ONE of search results! If you think it will be EZ, I have a good deal on a bridge for you!

Orange County bail

Pacific Beach California Real Estate · June 1, 2010 at 11:15 pm

A good article Thank you!

Houston Divorce Lawyers · June 16, 2010 at 6:22 am

thanks for great informations It’s wonderful

Houston Bankruptcy Lawyer · July 10, 2010 at 2:47 am

One again, your article is very nice

Los Angeles bail bonds · July 24, 2010 at 4:01 pm

Certainly a good piece of software.

San Diego DUI defense lawyer · July 29, 2010 at 8:30 pm

Good idea for extra money for your IT business?

San Diego homes · August 23, 2010 at 6:54 am

Great useful SEO info!

Los Angeles bail bonds · April 10, 2012 at 10:40 am

Thanks for the informative post!

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