Blog Traffic Formula – Review

Last week-end I had the pleasure to download “$365k Blog Traffic Formula”
I will tell you in a second what this is all about, but for now let me share with you what this is not…

Guess what? This is not one of those ebooks which you can find free on  forums or on other sites.

If you always wondered what the pro bloggers out there do to attract more cash and generate more traffic than you, look no further.

The best part in this 70-page printer-friendly PDF book is the overal content – 7 blogging “wizards” revealing the secret to their Internet success – free traffic strategies and top traffic sources.

So what’s in it for you?


Twitter Whale Status – It Pays Off

On Twitter when one reaches 10,000 followers it’s know as achieving whale status.  The real benefit, is the increase this provides to your blog/site and or products/services you are tweetting about.  Now, followers are great, but to be as productive as possible, these followers MUST be carefully selected.

If you are a real estate agent, you should work on building followers within say 10-25 miles of your office. If you sell a product or service on the Internet, you should select followers from related keywords within their profiles or their tweets.

Plus, keep in mind, you MUST provide useful information on your tweets and sites … content is king on the Internet! (more…)

Nuke your competition from the search engines

Now you can nuke your competition from the Google listings and place your website in the top 10, top 20 AND top 30 listings!
SEnuke is an extremely powerful all around marketing tool just released to the public. If you are serious about increasing your income potential here has never been a more powerful and effective software that can do for you what SEnuke can.
Serious marketers have seen first hand the sheer power of this all in one marketing and SEO tool simply by trying out the free trial version of SEnuke!
Check it out for yourself and see what all the fuss is about:      FREE TRIAL

Increase Your WordPress Blog Income

Wordpress blog plugin

Wordpress blog plugin

If you are trying to make money by selling ad spaces and writing paid review then you are leaving behind a huge chunk of money on the table.

You can actually earn two times more from your blog by promoting affiliate programs.


You can do so by linking specific keywords in your blog posts into affiliate programs.

Take the following example:

==>>Your blog is about real estate and you’ve talked about “home moving”. What you can do is you can link that very keyword to an affiliate program. Now your readers can follow that link to buy the related service and you’ll be the one earning commission out of it.

Let’s say you have another post and you have the phrase “home staging”. You can link this keyword to a good home staging tutorial video or service and if your readers buy the video or hire the staging service from that very link you’ll be the one getting paid again.

Getting paid commissions out of the keywords that lead to affiliate links is not a small deal. Can you imagine how much impact will that be making to your overall blog income?

But how? (more…)

Make Your WordPress Blog Stand Out From The Crowd – FREE Plugins

When you browse the Internet looking for a list of blogs, you may have noticed you are drawn to a particular site because they stand out from the rest. Often webmasters and blog owners pay a lot of money to have their listing appear more obvious so that they attract a higher click-through rate.

Before you wonder whether you’ll need to spend the same, we have a solution for you.

It is called favicons!

Favicons are an excellent, free branding tool for webmasters and blog owners. They help you create brand awareness by displaying a little favorite icon (favicon) in the title your blog next to the URL.


Favicons also attract more traffic to your blog by standing out against others who don’t sport a favicon themselves. With the increased visibility you now have the opportunity to get more repeat readers. (more…)

Search Engine Optimization & Twitter

Search Engine Optimization & Twitter. Proven ideas to drive more traffic to your blog/website. httpv:// search engine optimization software If you found this information helpful, subscribe for free to our future posts.  Just click the orange RSS button located just on the upper right side of  this page.

Search Engine Optimization Software Free Download

Search Engine Optimization Software free download of fully functional SEO software. Track links pointing to your website. Building incoming links is a major part of good Search Engine Optimization. The number of good incoming links has a direct effect on your site’s rankings! httpv:// search engine optimization software downloads

Real Estate Search Engine Optimization and Marketing

Search Engine Optimization and Marketing. Real estate search engine optimization is shown, but, ideas work for any website. Info on: keyword selection, small markets vs. large markets, keyword popularity, real estate Internet services and real estate website advertising. httpv:// best real estate advertising idea