Facebook Notification Pro

Facebook Notification Pro

Explaindio Video Creator - Facebook Notification Pro

Notification PRO is a full featured autoresponder which uses Fb notifications to deliver messages to your list. Since people are trained by Fb to click their notifications every time they log in you could get a 90%+ open rate on messages they send using Notification PRO.

Notification PRO contains All you need including functionality to make customized opt-in with Fb buttons (including automatic product delivery), an included drag & drop Fb app builder — so you can advertise your products right inside of Fb and use notifications to send people to the app.

Immediately after purchase, you’ll get your download info and licence details in a ZIP file.
How would you like to finally cash in and build a HUGE contact list that gets a 90%+ open rate?

Facebook Notification Pro


Facebook Marketing Automated

 Facebook Marketing

Facebook Marketing Automated

New – OCTOSUITE Will Mass Automate The Top Tasks Needed For Viral Traffic & Sales On Facebook In Under 60 Seconds

This is the world’s 1st all in one FB traffic and sales automation tool.
This is a friendly reminder that very soon the exclusive launch discount ends and access to the software shifts to a premium monthly membership.

>> Click Here for video details & To Get In For A Low One Time Fee!

 We’ve already talked about what this can do and I can honestly say I’ve never seen anything so powerful.
Literally, automate ANY online business model… In Minutes!


Animated Video Creation

Animated Video Creation

Animated Video Creation - doodlyHave you heard about the newest super weapon marketers have been using to increase conversions?

It’s Doodle animation videos!
If you have not heard, doodle animation videos are quickly becoming the gold standard for marketers to use. Not only are they exciting, eye-catching, and creative, but most importantly they convert!
In fact, marketers see up to 3x the conversions and sales when they switch to animation based videos. It’s that powerful.
Engage, explain and sell with impact using just a short, simple video. They’re proven to be more effective than any other form of video or text communications to grab attention in the workplace.
Normally though, to get that type of video, you have to pay thousands of dollars and weeks to process. Not exactly good for business.
Today, I’m really excited to show you a brand new app that was released called Doodly.
This powerful yet simple drag and drop doodle animation tool is revolutionizing videos.
