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August 19, 2012


Press Release Service Biz-In-A-Box

by oakhead112

Press Release Service

press release service - press release software

New PR Service Biz-in-a-Box – the backbone of this ready-made addition to your Internet marketing business is the Internet’s #1 press release generator bot! But, this is a total package even including a ready made WordPress blog to add onto your existing site!

Generate additional revenue from the high demand for professionally written press releases and their submission to over 50 Internet press release services!

Press Release Service

The online press release business is big big business. People eagerly spend up to $360 PER press release submission alone because from experience they know that press releases work extremely well to get their products and services out into the public eye.

Another reason why people pay to submit press releases is because Google eats up them up. Maybe because Google knows that press releases are unbiased “straight up” news – which Google deeply values because they know that their users want highly relevant and highly targeted new content.

A third reason press releases are so freaking popular is due to people’s natural instinct, which is by HATE being sold to. And even though the end result is to make sales, press releases work exceptionally well to provide those unbiased sources of information that people love.

Click Here for full details and all the features

Press Release Service

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