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October 6, 2009


Real Estate Search Engine Optimization and Marketing

by oakhead112

Search Engine Optimization and Marketing. Real estate search engine optimization is shown, but, ideas work for any website.

Info on: keyword selection, small markets vs. large markets, keyword popularity, real estate Internet services and real estate website advertising.


best real estate advertising idea

3 Comments Post a comment
  1. This video helped me a lot. I suggest you all take a look at it. I’m mad at myself for going to a seminar and paying for information I could have learned if I crossed this myself earlier!

    Houston Lawyer

  2. Oct 7 2009

    Wow this helped so much, the normal way to do advertising for real estate isn’t the same as what technology can do.

    Poway Real Estate

  3. I am now confident the peak in Canadian housing has finally set in. The real estate industry tries to convince everyone it’s business as usual and homes are affordable because rates are low. High-end home prices will remain relatively steady for a brief while longer.

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