Make Your WordPress Blog Stand Out From The Crowd – FREE Plugins

When you browse the Internet looking for a list of blogs, you may have noticed you are drawn to a particular site because they stand out from the rest. Often webmasters and blog owners pay a lot of money to have their listing appear more obvious so that they attract a higher click-through rate.

Before you wonder whether you’ll need to spend the same, we have a solution for you.

It is called favicons!

Favicons are an excellent, free branding tool for webmasters and blog owners. They help you create brand awareness by displaying a little favorite icon (favicon) in the title your blog next to the URL.


Favicons also attract more traffic to your blog by standing out against others who don’t sport a favicon themselves. With the increased visibility you now have the opportunity to get more repeat readers. (more…)

Search Engine Optimization & Twitter

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Real Estate Search Engine Optimization and Marketing

Search Engine Optimization and Marketing. Real estate search engine optimization is shown, but, ideas work for any website. Info on: keyword selection, small markets vs. large markets, keyword popularity, real estate Internet services and real estate website advertising. httpv:// best real estate advertising idea

FREE Blog SEO Software Download

Next to good content, incomming links to your blog/website are key for top stands and traffic. With Blog Finder you can build unlimited, high quality, targeted backlinks to all your websites. Blog Finder is 100% no-spam search engine friendly blog commenting software that provides you with a great way to Read more…