exact match domains and GoogleExact Match Domains

Google’s September algorithm update affected approximately 40% of our total client portfolio sites, mainly due to changes in how they now view EMDs (Exact Match Domains) using major keywords.

Our friend and colleague Joe Finn has written up all the details about the changes that happened, along with his own private way for how he’s getting both brand new sites as well as pre-existing EMD sites back on the top of Page 1 here.

We’ve talked about this over the years repeatedly, but whenever Google makes a change that may affect one of your sites never let it get you to the point where you give up hope or consider quitting altogether.

Just in the past two years alone we’ve had all of our sites get hit with multiple Google updates, and each time we’ve been able to tweak them a bit and restore them to their former positions…sometimes in as little as a single week.

Joe’s personal guidelines and details showing how he’s been able to react and adjust to this latest round of changes so quickly is proof that no matter how much they may change their system up each year we’ll always be able to succeed and thrive over the long term.

And the changes or modifications necessary to get back to a Top 3 spot for this particular update are simple to do and cost nothing, which is surely good news for everyone who owns and operates multiple sites for themselves or their clients:

What’s Working Now: Click Here

Remember that no matter what challenges life presents you with, if you constantly adapt and evolve by learning new techniques you’ll always be able to overcome them and succeed. Guaranteed.

What’s Working Now: Click Here


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