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August 14, 2012

FLIPANOMICS – The Expert Guide To Selling Your Website

by oakhead112


FlipanomicsBelow are statements from the authors, Smale & O’Neil: The materials that we’re releasing today will literally give you EVERY SINGLE BIT of knowledge that we ourselves have used to sell over $1,300,000 (yeah, over 1.3 MILLION dollars) in websites within the last few years on Flippa alone!

(and Flippa only accounts for less than 20% of our sales!)
This e-Course is no theoretical rubbish. We will tell you EXACTLYwhat to do to get as much money for your site as a top website broker would. It’s written by the best in the industry, and it includes EVERYTHING you need in the process, down to the smallest things, such as what to write in the first e-mail you will send your bidders to get them bid more!Sure, you can save a few bucks, list your site on Flippa or somewhere else and HOPE that it will sell, but if you look at the numbers a little, you’ll quickly notice that the average website listed on ONLY SELLS FOR AROUND 5X ITS MONTHLY PROFIT, whereas the average site WE sell goes for 15x monthly profit.This is THREE TIMES (!) more.


In order to sell your website for what it’s REALLY worth (and not for 3 times less), you have to:

• Know ALL the ins and outs of the marketplace you list it at.

• Know EXACTLY how to negotiate with buyers, how to set the BIN price and the bidding options, when to message your bidders and what to say to them.

• Be a FANTASTIC copywriter. We ran a quick survey earlier this year and 43% (!!!) of our clients we surveyed said they’ve decided to pass on at least one auction because the sales blurb seemed unprofessional!

• Have a bullet-proof system in place for finalising the deal – this includes not only knowing which payment methods to use, but also how to transfer the website to the buyer, how to write up a strong contract and how to save yourself from the buyer hassling you long after the transaction has been finalised.

And it doesn’t end there. You have to also know how to defend yourself so you wouldn’t end up without your site AND your money. Did you know that possibly a third of Flippa listings are a complete scam? And there’s A LOT of buyers on Flippa who are there to get your site from you and never pay for it!

The information you will get in this E-Course is equal to FIVE DAYS of intensive training with both of us (something that we would charge at least $10,000 for). And the price? Less than a hundred bucks!

Let’s look at it this way – if you have a website that generates $250 per month and you were to go ahead and list it on Flippa on your own then you would not only spend A LOT of your time (the time that you could otherwise spend on MAKING MONEY), but you would probably get $1,500 or $2,000 for it. Maximum $2,500.

But how much would you be willing to pay to get $4,000 for it AND save countless hours of your time AND be 100% sure that you don’t get scammed? I’m guessing it’s more than a measly $97.

You also know that we’re not in the business of e-book sales so we’re not here to get rich out of selling 97 dollar e-books. We’re in the business of website sales, and the reason why we’re charging for the Course and the Toolbox is merely the amount of time and knowledge we’ve put into developing it. And to keep the leechers out.

This e-Course includes EVERYTHING YOU NEED to get your website sold.

We have literally compiled EVERYTHING you need to get your website sold for the HIGHEST POSSIBLE DOLLAR AMOUNT. The e-course is jam-packed with information and tips that we have developed and are using on daily basis ourselves! These are the same strategies that allow us to constantly charge 15x monthly revenue and sell almost all sites that we list.

Among other stuff, it includes:

• A complete Step-by-Step guide for getting your website sold.

Proven to work Auction Templates that you can use immediately.

Our personal Valuation Formula that allows you to properly value your website without relying on inaccurate tools and the opinions of people from outside of the industry.

Full Toolbox that includes Sales Contracts, NDAs and even E-mail Templates, making the whole selling process as easy as copy-and-paste (literally!)

• 7 ways Other than Flippa to get your website sold.

• Complete Website and Domain Transfer Blueprint.

Lifetime Access to all of the materials, which we are constantly updating!

List of Common Scams and our guide to mitigating them and not losing your website AND your money.

• And much, much more!


Another important thing to notice is that Flipanomics is NOT an e-book.

In addition to a full toolbox, lots of ready-made stuff that you can literally copy-paste and full training materials that we’re constantly updating (and the updates are yours for free!), there’s another twist:

Underneath EACH chapter / toolbox piece (and there’s more than 100 in total!) is a DISCUSSION BOARD – where all of you can ask additional questions, help each other out AND myself and Bryan will jump in every now and then to answer your questions!

Because – let’s face it – with more e-books, everything sounds good at first … but there’s still this little something missing that will prevent you from actually using the info and making money. Not with Flipanomics !!! 🙂

Get the full details – Plus it has a 60 Day Money Back GUARANTEE:

Click Here!


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