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March 25, 2009


New Website Conversion Software

by oakhead112


Are you happy with your website's conversion rate?

I'd bet money you aren't.

Nobody is, if they're honest. Think about it:

Higher conversions mean more money…and everybody wants to make more money, right?

More money to spend on yourself and your family.

More money to travel to exotic climes. More money to help you live the life you want…

Whatever.  Let's just agree…earning more money is a good thing.

A software has just been released!

This brand new tool that is guaranteed to increase your conversion rate for ANY website you own!

New Ad Technology is Here!  Ultimate Footer Ad    

Download Ultimate Footer Ad today and try it out for 1 whole year. If your ad click-through rates havn't at least doubled by then, just contact us for a quick, hassle-free refund…no questions asked!

I'm going to put it to use right away on many of our sites, and I know you'll want to as well!


Don't miss this one!

SEO software

[tags] website software, conversion software, website sales software[/tags]


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2 Comments Post a comment
  1. Jul 24 2009

    SEO and getting traffic to your website is about a balance of time and money. If right now your time is more available than the funding that many SEO and ranking companies use, you may want to consider posting ads in craigslist and throughout different business blogs that allow you to advertise your site for free.

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