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July 8, 2007


Pay-per-click fraud is 10% to 15%

by oakhead112

SEO - pay per click fraud10% to 15% of clicks billed to pay-per-click advertisers represent 'pathological' or fraudulent traffic. This number is consistent with the 14.2% figure reported by click auditing firm Click Forensics in January.

Google disputes Click Forensics' figures and has consistently taken issue with the methodology and motives of those reporting significant levels of click fraud."[tags]pay per click,pay per click fraud,seo,Internet traffic[/tags]seo software

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5 Comments Post a comment
  1. Sad fact that 10-15% is probably a conservative figure. Even if accurate, sad it is acceptable. Austin Legal Services

  2. More fraud makes for more honest work. Grrrr! San Diego Hotel Rates

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  4. Awesome post. I’m gonna try and incorporate these techniques that you’ve identified, on an seo project i’m currently working on.

  5. Aug 18 2014

    This is main reason I do not use pay per click! TYVM you’ve solved all my problems!

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