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March 18, 2012

Real Estate Marketing

by oakhead112

Real Estate Marketing

We are a real estate marketing company that specializes in real estate marketing ideas and real estate marketing strategies.

This video shows real world proof that a well optimized and thought out video placed on YouTube by a knowledgeable search engine optimization company can and has achieved keyword number one placement on YouTube in just a matter of weeks!


Real estate marketing has definitely moved to the Internet. On the Internet, videos are wildly popular. Most people do not realize it, but YouTube is the world’s second largest search engine!

So if you, the real estate agent or real estate broker are not actively creating and promoting videos you are definitely not achieving the huge potential directed traffic that a correctly optimized video can generate!

There is absolutely no doubt that one can get a properly optimized video ranking higher on YouTube, and even possibly Google itself much easier than trying to get a website or blog to rank high.

If you would like to see more videos about Internet marketing and proper search engine optimization, please visit our YouTube channel at:

As a licensed California real estate broker who ranks on PAGE ONE for some of the most popular San Diego real estate keywords … I KNOW WHAT WORKS & WHAT IS JUST A WASTE OF YOUR TIME & MONEY!

Please click this link for more information on our GUARANTEED result real estate video marketing program

Real Estate Marketing that WORKS!

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