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September 30, 2009


Shocking New Test Results Disclosed

by oakhead112
article submissions

article submissions

Hey There,

Writing articles and posting them on free article directories has always been one of the best ways to generate BOTH traffic and links.

But, I hate writing articles… and have pretty much given up
messing with anything to do with them.

But my buddy Rob had me revisit this traffic generation
method with his own twist…

Let’s just say the results were totally unexpected…

If you write articles, you NEED to see this!

We talking 30% to 70% Clickthru Rates!

check out the results and watch the video here:



PS. You owe it to your online success to give this a peek:

3 Comments Post a comment
  1. I tried it and it’s true! My adsense is getting blown up!

    San Antonio lawyers

  2. There’s lots of articles on the net to do with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) but I ignore all of them and do things my way. This seems to work as every site I’ve created ranks within the top 6 on Google even when there’s millions of results found. A site I created less than a week ago is already ranked number 1 by Yahoo and Google.

    Los Angeles Bail

  3. Enjoyed the post … THANKS!

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