Attorney Toolkit – Huge Consultant Toolkit

Attorney Toolkit

Hey there,

attorney gavel

According to a credible source, “The US Legal Services Industry includes about 180,000 establishments with combined Annual Revenue of about $250 billion!”

So, keeping this in mind Dr. Nimisha Vijay & Dr. Amit Pareek have Just Launched a Brand New Revolutionary Toolkit..

using which you can Become a Consultant Instantly and Charge up to $3000 per client for Offering Professional Services to this Multi Billion Attorney Niche for providing: (more…)

Lawyers Internet Marketing

Lawyers Internet Marketing

Our total legal directory traffic was 43,927 in April 2012. This was up 2,206 visitors from our March traffic. 

Organic SEO

Recently Google at two major algorithm updates. The first one known as panda was directed towards Spam sites. The second update, known as Penguin was directed toward “over optimized” websites. None of our directories were affected by the first update, but a number of them were affected by the over optimization update. We are working to bring the sites into conformity with the new algorithm changes.

While some of our Google keyword rankings have diminished, our extensive legal keyword rankings on YouTube (world’s second largest search engine) were unaffected and remain very strong. Our legal keyword rankings on both MSN and Yahoo are also unaffected and hold a majority of page-one standings. (more…)