Automatically Maximizing Social Traffic
Social Traffic

As you know, social traffic (Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn/ etc)
makes up one of the main three ways of making money online.
Social HAS to be a core component of any online effort –
no matter whether it’s a shop selling t-shirts or providing real estate services.
It can be a bit intimidating to attack this because it’s
hard to figure out how to:
- Put landing pages INSIDE fan page AND group posts
- Put lead capture/email forms inside the newsfeed
- Add a buy button directly inside the newsfeed (!)
- Best way to promote your products in general
A new product was just released called Social Engage
that does all this and more.
==> Go watch the video and see for yourself <==
This is the best software for Facebook
in a long time, and it does things that nobody is
doing right now. (more…)