Twitter Marketing Software

We are happy to announce  TweetsBot  — THE BEST TWITTER MARKETING SOFTWARE. Give it a test drive with our demo …. Click the graphic at the bottom of this post. Overview: Build solid Twitter Accounts that are highly targeted to your business, service or affiliate offer. Follow people exactly when Read more…

Twitter Whale Status – It Pays Off

On Twitter when one reaches 10,000 followers it’s know as achieving whale status.  The real benefit, is the increase this provides to your blog/site and or products/services you are tweetting about.  Now, followers are great, but to be as productive as possible, these followers MUST be carefully selected.

If you are a real estate agent, you should work on building followers within say 10-25 miles of your office. If you sell a product or service on the Internet, you should select followers from related keywords within their profiles or their tweets.

Plus, keep in mind, you MUST provide useful information on your tweets and sites … content is king on the Internet! (more…)