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Posts tagged ‘website income’


Backlinks and Adsense Income

Adsense income

Adsense income

A friend’s best performing site has about 6000 backlinks indexed in yahoo and makes about $25 a day. She started it in January. It has 500-800 uniques per day. It was a good niche with low competition so that’s why.

It all depends on how lucky your are with your niche. I have another buddy that makes $100 per day from one single site and he was first on Google with about 3000 backlinks. He got super lucky.

Best way to get quality backlinks …. This new system is 100% “Google-Friendly” and Is Guaranteed To Increase Your Backlinks!

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Google Adsense Earnings Top $14,000

Google Adsense Income

Google Adsense Income

I’ve written posts about making good additional income with partnering with Google in their Adsense advertising programs. In each instance, I usually receive email or posted comments that pooh-pooh the concept for various reasons. With this post I’ll try to head off some of the critics.

#1. Google may have been profitable when it first debuted, but now you can only make pennies and in most cases, it’s not worth the time to even join and set up the program on your sight.

ANSWER: Look above at our Google AsSense income we earned last year!

#2. My visitors will click the Google ads and I’ll make a few pennies and lose a potential client.

ANSWER: Adsense allows the website owner to block certain advertisers from having their ads appear on your site. If you have a strong site and are offering solid benefits, why worry? After all, visitors to your site can just use their back arrow or put a new search term into their browser and exit your site.

#3. Google Adsense ads will make my site look too commercial.

ANSWER: Are you on the same Internet as me? Just look around; what sites do not have some form of monetization? Adsense has a number of ad types and placement options. You can have just one small ad display on the right site of your content or up to three ad displays on the top, middle, side or bottom of your content. It’s all up to how you want to set it up. You can even select the color combinations you want. Now, of course, if you are a total socialist and don’t believe in capitalism, this program is not for you … but, why are you reading this post?

#4. I tried Adsense and my actual results were just a dollar or two per month. Why continue with a poor program?

ANSWER: It’s not the program that is poorly designed. Most likely it is your website! Again, look at our 2009 Google Adsense earnings shown above. To be successful in any business endeavor, one must go about it with a proven method, keep good statistics and keep testing and revising to be sure you are optimizing and earning your full potential. Naturally, if your website gets very little unique traffic, is poorly designed or provides very little fresh informative content, you should first improve your site before any monetization programs.

If you are looking for some secret formula to make thousands from your website with little or no effort … good luck!

With Adsense or any valuable information, don’t listen to people who cannot prove they have been successful from the ideas they are telling you to implement. What you should do RIGHT NOW is get a FREE subscription to this blog. We will provide other useful insights and soon offer a low cost training program for earning money with Adsense.


Can You Still Make Good Money With Google?

The simple answer is YES!  Like anything worth acheveing, it takes some hard work and putting in quality, study time prior to starting your program. For some good background, view my prior post: Is Your Blog/Website Generating Income?

Many website owners do not think it’s worth the time to incorporate Google ads. In most cases they are correct because they looking for that mythical, big bucks for no work scam. For some real-world results, below is what we made just from Google last month:

Google Adsense

Google Adsense

If you are looking for good information on making money with Google my #1 advice is to listen to information from those who are already making decent money w/Google.; the #2 advice is get a free subscription to this blog so you don’t miss our future posts on tips and ideas to make money online.

search engine optimization software


#1 EZ Way to Make Money with YOUR Blog or Site

Google AdSense is an EZ way to earn some additional income from your blog/website.  There is no cost to set up your Google AdSense account. In addition to extra income, if set up correctly, you can track the visitors to each page where you have the Google AdSense code setup.

As in life, and especially the Internet, take advice only from proven sources. Many website owners say AdSense is not worth the time for the small amount of income it generates. Like anything else, if you intend to use AdSense to generate income, why not do it correctly? Nothing comes easily, but done right, I know some who make a living on AdSense!

Just a few days ago, without doing anything beyond my normal hour per day AdSense work, I had a very nice daily return. Take a look at the edited AdSense statement:

Adsense income

Adsense income

Most website owners with Adsense are lucky to earn over $1.00 per day. Sometimes much more is possible, if time invested, the website theme, site popularity and a little luck all come together.

I’m going to be putting out information soon on exactly how I go about generating this nice income from Google. I may have to limit the number of people I provide this information to, so I would suggest if you are interested, get a free subscription to this blog. The subscriptions (both RSS & email) are handled by Google’s Freedburner service. You can cancel at any time.  Once the ebook is ready I’ll announce it here and my subscribers will be automatically notified.

The typical real estate agent does not utilize Adsense and if they do, in many cases it’s not implemented to correctly maximize revenue and or prevent the loss of potential clients. I’ll show you the ‘inside’ tips that I’ve learned by actual implementation on many real estate and other sites/blogs over the years.

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