So, your created a website and were expecting page one search engine rankings and thousands of visitors every month. Now, after reality has set in you may be disillusioned with just a couple dozen monthly visitors and keyword rankings that are non-existent.
It may be time to go back to basics and build your website traffic and rankings the old fashioned (but proven) way!
Business websites are a necessity in today’s society and the internet is only as good as its links. Without links, the internet simply would not be able to exist. To ensure a quality World Wide Web continues, you must provide links that your customers might be interested in. Linking to other sites helps tell the customers which products you use and trust. It also forms a bond of trust between you and other sites. Moreover, it can improve your own site by associating with other products that customers both know and trust and by giving you an increased level of visibility. There are two kinds of links you should include in your site. You should include a general links section for the benefit of your customers, and you should include a reciprocal links section to help you and other businesses as well as your customers.
There are several ways to decide which general links to include in your site. You might start by visiting competitor’s web sites. Check out their links section to understand what sites they provide links for. This might help you figure out what your customers are looking for. It might also provide you with a good base for a reciprocal linking system, which will be discussed in the next lesson.
Another way to decide what general links to include in your site is to consult with your customers. Internet-savvy customers will be able to tell you what they look for in a professional site and what they like and do not like about your links. This can help you control the quality of your links section. You could do this through a survey or by simply informally interviewing your clientele.
Be sure to provide general links that have a high page rank with internet search engines. This will increase your web traffic. You can do this by typing a key phrase in a search engine and look at the highest ranked pages that match your results.
General links are great, but reciprocal links are an essential part to the promotion of your website. You have a strong site that offers your quality product and you want people to know about your site. To make sure that you get the traffic you need, you must have other sites directed toward yours with links.
This process is fairly simply, but there are many ways to engage in reciprocal linking.
First, research the sites you might want to link to. You might start this process by making two lists. First, list the sites you think your customers might be interested in. For now, just write, you can consider narrowing your list down at a later time. Next, create a list of sites that would benefit your site. You can then compare the two lists and see what they have in common. Compile a list of common subjects, and list out three key words to fit with each subject.
After the research phase, it is time to go online. Find a Meta search engine and input all three words for each subject. Any site that comes back with all three keywords should be high on your priority list.
Once you’ve done that, it is time to start sifting through your results. Bookmark any sites that look promising.
When you’ve made your final choices, it is time to draft a letter to the webmaster of each site you’re considering. Get to the point quickly and sell your site to them. Do not follow up if your original letter was not responded to.
The final step in this process is to negotiate the link and location in terms of both sites. As soon as possible, get their link on your site and send them a note letting them now you have a live link to their site. Check their site frequently to ensure they are upholding their promise to you as well.
The entire process of choosing links and reciprocal links increases your visibility to customers. Not only will they be able to find you through the use of a search engine, they will now be able to find you through the use of other websites. This can mean nothing but good things for you and your website.
Now for the ‘insiders’ secret to linking: Put the Google Page Rank checker on your browser’s toolbar so that when you visit a site, you’ll be able to see the PR ranking of that site. To save time and improve your rankings faster, only exchange links with websites that have at least a PR of 1 or higher! The linking page of the site will most likely not have any PR, but, what you want to look at is the sites home page’s PR ranking. The higher the PR, in general, the more powerful the link. Now, if the page were your link will reside also has PR, this is a real bonus and always worth the extra effort to get your link on such a page.
Lastly, for a free high PR ranking home page & linking page site, I would recommend you apply for a website award. This site this site has a PR of three and the majority of their linking pages also have a good PR ranking. An additional bonus is that the linking are tightly themed around the type of award … this is a real boost for search engine rankings.
San Bernadino lawyers · April 29, 2010 at 10:22 am
Search engines use a complicated and secret algorithm to determine which sites are placed where in the rankings but there are several tricks you can employ to boost you ranking.
San Bernadino personal injury lawyers
prostate cancer surgery · May 16, 2010 at 11:34 pm
Top level website rankings or search engine position are a product of thoughtful and correct keyword densities, proper Meta Tags and optimized linking strategies. A new Google addition is speed which a website loads which even puts more emphasis on clean code and Java Script issues.
Las Vegas Divorce Lawyers · June 24, 2010 at 7:48 am
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