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September 2, 2011

WordPress Backup Plugin

by oakhead112

WordPress backup plugin

What if:

You woke up one day and your blog was hacked?

You sat down at your computer and your websites were down?

You opened up your web browser… only to realize… it’s all gone?

Are your WordPress blogs safe? They will be as soon as you install this brand new WordPress
plugin .

Wordpress backup plugin

Wordpress backup plugin

Not only does it create a complete backup of your WordPress blog, membership site, sales letters, and optin pages… you can quickly restore them
using server-to-server transfer in just a few seconds…

This one plugin not only backs up days, weeks, months or even years of your hard work setting up
that blog, but you can copy (clone) it anywhere, as many times as you want…

P.S. Either save your sites from being lost forever, install a site for a client or move a
site for a client and you’ve made SEVERAL times your money back instantly.

Wordpress backup plugin

Wordpress backup plugin

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