New WP Video Plug-in
WordPress plug-in
“Use it to stop visitors in
their tracks and get them
to take action on your
site!” Get your copy and tell your friends >>
Introducing WP Video Ace, a powerful new WordPress plugin which you can use to quickly and easily add high converting engagement effects to any video on your websites and generate more leads and sales. The whole process has been simplified and the user-friendly interface makes it extremely easy to edit and customize with minimum effort.
As well as being able to create custom video players for YouTube or any other video link on your websites, the plugin can also lock custom content between any start and end point in the video playback. It can then display an image, buy button, opt-in form, or even an entire post on the page above, below, to the left, or to the right of the video.
WP Video Ace Key Features:
— Totally Customisable – Your Players, Any Size, Any Ratio!
— Lock YOUR Valuable Content – Force Your Visitors To Pay To Unlock Valuable Content!
— Completely Compatible – Works With All Major Video Platforms, Video URLs AND Direct Uploads!
and much much more… Get your copy and tell your friends >>