Youtube Ultimate Monster
This is a great new WordPress plugin not only for Internet marketers, but also for almost anybody (Real estate agent, Lawyer, Dentist, etc.) who is running a WordPress blog site.
=> SEE the video
Hopefully, you all know that you can embed a YouTube video on your site. Actually, YouTube encourages this because their ads and other YouTube videos, get free advertising this way. But, with this plug-in when you embed a YouTube video you can now have your own message and/or opt-in form appear on the video. So, in essence, you are doing the same thing that YouTube does, by putting your own advertising on other people’s professionally produced videos!
As an example, let’s say you’re a San Diego aerobics trainer and you have your own WordPress blog. Sure, you’re putting your own videos up there, but it takes time to produce a video and uploaded it. Now, you come across a great aerobics workout video that’s on YouTube and uploaded by an Arizona aerobics studio. You put this video on your site, and now with this new plug-in, when the video is playing, you can have your own commercial embedded within the video that tells viewers that you are now offering the same course and have your contact information displayed as they view the video!
Another example, let’s say your a real estate agent running your own WordPress blog in San Diego. You find a great video produced by an agent in Utah, that shows the 10 top things buyers should look for when previewing a home. You can now embed this video on your blog and by using this new plug-in, have your message displayed showing viewers on your site that not only do you recommend buyers look for these 10 items, but you also have three additional important items that they should be aware of and you have all these on a free buyers handout that you would be glad to e-mail you handout to them.
The potential buyers would be seeing your message at the same time their viewing the Utah’s agents video. Naturally, they’re not going to be contacting the Utah agent to look at a San Diego property, and if done right, they’ll be curious as to what your three additional important points are and contact you for your free e-mail copy of the buyers handout. You have now captured a potential buyers e-mail and can follow up a few days later, just inquiring whether they received your handout and if they found it useful. You then could continue marketing to them by offering some additional free information, or directing them to search the entire San Diego MLS through your site. Hopefully you get the idea … and if continuous follow-up is made, there is a good chance you’ll also get the sale!
Sure you can put this information around the embedded Utah video on your site,, but there’s no guarantee that the viewer is going to read that information. By embedding your message within the other video, it will definitely be read and should increase your business substantially!
- Find A Popular Or High Ranking Video On Youtube (Or Your Own)
- Link the Video to A Relevant Offer
- Turn On The Powerful Plugin And See Sales/Leads Coming In
=> SEE the video