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New EZ Friend Adder tool

I would like to share a product I have came across of with you. This is a product that works 100%! New high conversion Friend Adder tool that just kicked off well. MySpace friend adder that is not only different from the rest by tracking in thousands of incoming friend requests but also bypasses the MySpace captcha code 100% completly. Get hundreds of new incoming friend requests to you MySpace profile each day. Try the demo to test it for your self or check out there video on the web site for proof. Try the demo on their website CLICK HERE!

Bob SEO software


New Blog SEO Software

As I'm sure you know, with all of the information and software available these days, marketing online can get very confusing. Especially, if your new at it the game. This is very true, but, if there is one thing that does remain true it's that improving your search engine rankings and your traffic will always lead to better results and more sales. CLICK HERE

Until recently, many blogging softwares were quite ineffective, meaning they couldn't decifer if the links searched to find related blogs by keyword relevancy or using "no follow" tags. So while you could gain traffic from posting on many blogs through your links, it would not do you any good in terms of search engine optimization. Not any more! Groovytastic Empire has a new software that called The Groovytastic Blog Digger and it changes all of that. It will indeed tell you which blogs are worth posting to in terms of page rank, whether or not the blog uses "no follow" attributes in their links, and a host of other exciting features. I've checked this software out for myself and it really does what it says it does. It's also amazingly affordable costing only $7.00. What if I told you that you can turn around and sell it for yourself and keep 100% per cent of the profits. These are instantly placed into your Paypal account too! The quality of this software is amazing, especially when you consider the small price. You get great software to improve your traffic and sales, 100% per cent profits selling it, and you are instantly paid! CLICK HERE Check it out, I know you will totally be glad you did!

To your success, Bob SEO software


New Media Marketing Site

Just signed up with new media marketing site Qassia , it is free to join, to add your websites or blogs.
For those who is looking for free promotion of your businesses – it is the right place to be!

Click here: SIGN UP FOR FREE

Below is info from "About " page:

"About Qassia Qassia is a credit-driven intelligence engine coupled to a cascading tag-based web directory. What exactly does this mean? It means that Qassia will change your life.

Good stuff your websites will like

At Qassia, you can add your websites for free, and without having to add reciprocal backlinks. You'll get unlimited quality backlinks (as opposed to "no-follow" backlinks). You can also add intel. Short for "intelligence", intel is a tidbit of information. Qassia rewards users who add intel in three ways.

  1. Backlinks You get one backlink for every piece of intel you add. Every intel will carry a direct backlink to one of your sites. So the more intel you add, the more backlinks you get.
  2. Credit When you add intel, you also get credit, in the form of Qassia dollars. Your net worth in Qassia dollars determines how well your websites rank in our directory.
  3. Revenue When your intel is displayed, you get 100% of the advertising revenue generated by that page. That is not a typo, by the way: we give you ALL of the gross ad revenue.

This means that website owners have triple incentive to contribute intel. The contributed intel will allow Qassia to become a vast repository of intelligence, with unrivalled original content. And a vast amount of original content draws traffic like honey draws ants.


 search engine optimization software