Memorial Day 2010

httpv:// “It is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us the freedom of the press. It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us the freedom of speech. It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, who gives us the freedom to demonstrate. It is the Read more…

SEO and the Google Sandbox

I believe that the sandbox is a bit random. It targets sites that are less than 1 year old OR that are overly on-page optimized. YES YOU CAN OVER OPTIMIZE ON-PAGE. Like if your keyword is casino and you put your header only “Casino”. I would put something like Casino, Read more…

New Blog Posting Software

I have very exciting news for you.

As many of our subscribers know, there is a proprietary software app for bloggers called Utility Poster.

This application gives you a way to keep your blog active with high-quality, search friendly content and to get you trackback links.

Those links help you get higher rankings for your blog posts by simply using Utility Poster to create posts.

The feedback and demand for the software has been crazy, and with successful software comes the inevitable questions like:

*It works on anything! (Adobe AIR application)
*It combines Utility Poster and our other two very popular programs:  Video Utility Poster and Trackboost

Now an all-in-one app, you can easily post relevant, keyword-rich, high-quality content in the form of snippets from other blogs, videos from YouTube, Twitter tweets, and Flickr images – all based on whatever keyword you search with. (more…)

New Search Engine Optimization Software

This Software will Practically Hand Deliver Huge Piles of Money To Your Door By Helping You With the Latest Way Of Getting Free Traffic,Free Leads, & Free Customers! This New Traffic-Getting Technology Will Bring Free Targeted Traffic To Your Website Today & Everyday. It Works It’s Magic In Any Niche… Read more…