Typhoon q500 G Update

Typhoon q500 G Update

When you visit our site is a search box in the upper right-hand corner. To read all the articles and videos about the typhoon drones, just type in Yuneec or typhoon or Q 500 into the search box and hit return and then it will bring up all the articles and post that we’ve made about these great camera drones.

The Yuneec Typhoon line of drones are really a great value for the technology that you receive. In a couple weeks the new typhoon H will be available for sale. My understanding is that some of the big differences with the new Typhoon H model is a fact that instead of four props you now have six so should one die in flight still be able to land safely. But, probably the most important feature on the new Yuneec Typhoon H model is the fact that it has obstacle avoidance built in. Since as of the time of this writing it is not yet officially available, my understanding is that there will be different package options available. Perhaps the biggest difference between the option packages will be that the basic one would just have basic front obstacle avoidance whereas other packages will include obstacle avoidance for all four directions. (more…)

New Pre-made Video Spokesdperson

Pre-made Video Spokesdperson

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More video information from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:


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