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March 21, 2012


New Banner Software + Local Niche Template Pack

by oakhead112

New Banner Software + Local Niche Template Pack

Banner Rockstar is the best in its class, and it removes the HORRIBLE HORRIBLE pain of outsourcing our banner work to INCONSISTENT and UNPREDICTABLE outsource staff, who have, sadly disappointed us . . . consistently.   Plus, it’s currently UNDER $10!           


banner software


Good software – meaning SOLID sturdy applications, are a RARE find!

Although I am an expert in Photoshop & Flash – I hate making banners! These banners look hot and get me mad clicks.

Banner Ad Rockstar has been a real life saver. You will save time and money and can focus on your marketing more. Use it for clients as well  media buys. Plus, is the text is anti aliased…no fuzzy text! I can’t even get that in Photoshop!

No questions asked 100% 30 day money back GUARANTEE!

If you do any banner advertising….this is an absolute no brainer – you can’t afford NOT to have it!

CLICK HERE to check the full details

New Banner Software + Local Niche Template Pack

1 Comment Post a comment
  1. Auch in Paraguay ist es schön und man kann hier gut leben – auch vom Internet.

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