The simple answer is YES! Like anything worth acheveing, it takes some hard work and putting in quality, study time prior to starting your program. For some good background, view my prior post: Is Your Blog/Website Generating Income?
Many website owners do not think it’s worth the time to incorporate Google ads. In most cases they are correct because they looking for that mythical, big bucks for no work scam. For some real-world results, below is what we made just from Google last month:
If you are looking for good information on making money with Google my #1 advice is to listen to information from those who are already making decent money w/Google.; the #2 advice is get a free subscription to this blog so you don’t miss our future posts on tips and ideas to make money online.
Hoodia diets · November 6, 2009 at 11:38 am
There’s lots of articles on the net to do with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) but I ignore all of them and do things my way. This seems to work as every site I’ve created ranks within the top 6 on Google even when there’s millions of results found. A site I created less than a week ago is already ranked number 1 by Yahoo and Google.
Hoodia diets
Rajkumar · June 11, 2011 at 1:14 pm
I don’t have a website but I have couples of blog.
As I am new to the online money making.
I have some question
1)would be able to place google ads on my blogs right now traffic rates to my site is low around 50 visitors?
2) what are the ways I can make money through google ?
Ed. Reply: #1. If you have a good (non-spamy) site you can place Google ads on it anytime.
#2. Go to Google at look at their AdSense information.
#3. see our 6-15-11 post on auto blogs.