Good design, proper key word density, intuitive navigation, correct Meta tags and informative content are all important to achieving top search engine placement. Especially when it comes to real estate sites, they are almost devoid of one critical search engine element… Quality incoming links!
Google, the acknowledged leading search engine, isn’t looking so much at word density with its ranking algorithm, as at what other sites are linking to your firm’s site. Google relies primarily on link popularity for ranking pages. They assign a PageRank to each site they index with 10 being the highest. The vast majority of quality sites rank at least four or above. Google isn’t breaking away from words-on-the-page — it never started there.
The logic is that pages other people think are valuable resources will often get linked by other webmasters, while pages that are of low quality or do not contain any information at all, will not gain many links. Thus, the Top10 places will be filled with sites people regard as useful. It does make sense and it adds another way for SE’s to rate your website with minimal effort. Virtually all Webmasters these days are aware of the fact that exchanging linkbacks with other sites is an excellent method for building traffic.
The problem is that this change might make it even more difficult for small and new sites to make it to the top and it favors big, high-traffic mega sites. There is a software program that can greatly help in you getting the links that you desire. It does all this automatically.
More links are not better unless all of them are high-quality links. Numbers aren’t as important as context and relevancy. It is better to have a few links from sites that are similar in content and topic to yours, a few links from the portals, and a few links from site reviewers, than to have 1,000 links on Free For All (FFA) links pages. Actually, in practice, non-themed links can actually lower a site’s search engine placement. This is especially true when lazy webmasters join link swapping plans in hopes of having ‘instant’ mega, in-coming links. These services are designed to immediately boost your link popularity. The way they work is simple: Each member of a link-share program places a machine-generated page on his site and links to that page from his front page. The machine-generated page has links to all other sites participating in the program. Each member submits his machine-generated page to all search engines, and the result is that each member has a link to his site from everyone else.
These programs have produced some positive effects in years past, but many search engines now regard them as spam and often ban sites that they find participating in these programs. Don’t even try them, even if you are really desperate. Here is what Google has to say about this practice: “Avoid SEOs that talk about the power of “free-for-all” links, link popularity schemes, or submitting your site to thousands of search engines. These are typically useless exercises that do not affect your ranking in the results of the major search engines. At least, not in a way you would likely consider to be positive”.
Quality incoming links are critical to improved rankings and therefore, increased business. With a good linking program in place, your site will soon reap the true potential the Internet offers.
Copyright 2010 Promotions Unlimited. All rights reserved.
Shown william · April 22, 2010 at 9:23 am
Very true, I only started discovering this a few years ago. It can show me a best way on this idea. the acknowledged leading search engine, isn’t looking so much at word density with its ranking algorithm, as at what other sites are linking to your firm’s site.
Califonia Short Sale · April 22, 2010 at 10:23 am
Thanks! My best suggestion is to stay away from HIDDEN TEXT.
Some web pages hide text by printing white text on a white background for example. Often such text has nothing at all to do with the site but is just a list of popular words and phrases used to draw people to the site. Spiders can spot tricks like these and will penalise sites that employ such tactics.
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San Diego Medical Marijuana · April 22, 2010 at 10:24 am
Google dominates the search engine market, Yahoo and MSN are the other two key players. A lot of the others use Google.
If you can get your site indexed by these three then you’ve pretty much covered all your bases. Rather than waiting for the spiders to find you it may help to add your site to the submission lists.
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