We are happy to announce TweetsBot — THE BEST TWITTER MARKETING SOFTWARE.
Give it a test drive with our demo …. Click the graphic at the bottom of this post.
- Build solid Twitter Accounts that are highly targeted to your business, service or affiliate offer.
- Follow people exactly when they are interested in your product, service or affiliate offer.
- Easy Install! Runs on your desktop. ( windows version )
- Your Twitter account information stays on your computer.
- Handling Unlimited Twitter Accounts.
- Auto Download Account Followers List.
- Auto Search for twitter users to follow targeted to your niche via keyword.
- Auto Search for twitter users to follow by Bio.(new)
- Auto Search for twitter users to follow By location and keywords (with miles).(new)
- Auto Search for twitter users to follow By zipcode and keywords.(new)
- attitudes support ( postive, negative and asking a question ).(new)
- Get user’s followers or friends and follow them ( via screen name ).
- Follow all users who are following you and send them direct message in automated mode ( set your own timer to check who followed you every x min(s) and follow him back ).(new)
- Unfollow all users who are not following you anymore ( add users to white list to not be unfollowed ). (new)
- Update your account status with just one click.
- Add unlimited count of tweets and let the software tweet them in auto mode every x amount of minutes ( export and import tweets from account to another ).
- shorting url included.
- Automatically send RSS Feed tweets from any of rss link from RSS Blaster (new)
- Generate rss news via keywords with rss blaster (new)
- Super Tweets – When a person says something, “I want iphone” , software will reply to him with a user inputted tweet, “@personwhotweeted ,Check out my site to get free iphone.
- and much more
System Requirements
- Windows Operating system
- Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher
- Twitter Account
- .Net Frame work 3.5
- Internet Connection
License and refund policy
- 60 days money back guarantee.
- License up to 3 computers.
- Free life time update.
Point Loma California Real Estate · May 29, 2010 at 5:04 pm
hmmmm…i don’t think I go along with everything that you’re saying, but I like the way you put your arguement across in your beliefs. Just started following your feed.
San Diego California dentist · July 2, 2010 at 11:30 am
hello guys
I just want to say hi and going to try the Twitter software!
Austin DUI Lawyer · July 4, 2010 at 5:27 pm
hello guys
I just want to say hi
San Francisco Criminal Defense Lawyer · July 15, 2010 at 1:54 am
hello guys
I just want to say hi