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Posts tagged ‘search engine optimization’


All in One SEO Suite

All in One SEO Suite

All in One SEO Suite

Well, my prior post was also about the same unique software.

Yes, this is one of the few times that I posted twice about a piece of software that I think is exceptional.

Still a silly low, one-time price..
But Closing Soon.. All in One
SEO Suite… Perfect for Local..

Ben is an Expert SEO software
creator and this new tool is one
of his best yet, perfect for local
marketers too..

Comm Rights Included Now,
for use with Unlimited Clients..
A suite of proven tools that
you could easily pay hundreds
per/mo for..

Quickly rank local client sites
and lead-gen sites in just days.
Read more


Free SEO Training

Free SEO training that’ll actually help you!

seo software


This video truly shocked me:

New SEO WordPress Plugin

There’s nothing for sale there.

Instead of being pitched something, you’ll watch, in full detail…

How a stunning piece of software can help you actually rank in Google without a ton of work and without risk of being “slapped…” Read more


Search Engine Optimization Still Alive

SEO – Search Engine Optimization

SEO servicesThere’s epic confusion about what is working in SEO on Google right
now. After all the crazy updates (PANDA, PENGUIN, EMDs and more)
SEOs are LITERALLY going out of business because they’re still
stuck on old tactics

People are stuck on trying to fix their old methods, when really
Google has evolved so much that just throwing a bunch of spam links
at a site no longer work.  And for good reason.

Before 2011, ranking a website was a pretty simple process… It
was like the Gold Rush of the Wild West… Read more


SEO – Old School Thinking

SEO old-school thinking?

SEO - Search Engine Optimization

SEO - Search Engine Optimization

I’m driving thousands of directed visitors to my site through the world’s 2nd. largest search engine… YouTube!

Yes, SEO today, in large part dominated by proper video marketing. We offer guaranteed page-one placement on both YouTube and Google! Yes, I know it’s hard to believe that a company can guarantee placement for your keywords, but it’s true. Read more


Benefits of Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization

is important online technology and is used for generating free targeted traffic or organic traffic (natural traffic) which should provide leads for your company. With this fact in mind, proper SEO works with you to obtain your ultimate business goals. Read more


SEO Youtube

SEO Youtube – the ideas shown here are useful for all websites that want to increase the effectiveness of their websites and get more DIRECTED traffic.

Before you apply SEO ideas or SEO software you should first see what your traffic is and where it is coming from.

Be sure to visit our SEO software website at:


SEO Youtube


Search Engine Optimization – Online Visibility Matters

SEO Ideas

SEO Ideas

Why online visibility matters.
Consider the following facts: 9 out of 10 consumers use the Internet to find local products or services. Of these, 86% follow up with a phone call or in-store visit. And with more than 1 billion local searches every month, this translates into a huge opportunity to attract new customers through the Internet! That is why a growing number of small & medium businesses just like yours are investing in their online presence. Read more


SEO and the Google Sandbox

Google sandbox

Google sandbox

I believe that the sandbox is a bit random. It targets sites that are less than 1 year old OR that are overly on-page optimized. YES YOU CAN OVER OPTIMIZE ON-PAGE. Like if your keyword is casino and you put your header only “Casino”. I would put something like Casino, Online Casino Games, Free Casino Bonus. This way Casino is first, and repeated 3 times but its not 100% keyword density.

I also believe that if you try to rank for a keyword that is worth like $50 a day or more chances are you will get sandboxed (for that keyword) if you have a new site. So what you should so is rank for several small keywords that also help you rank for your big keyword and 6 months later you’ll be ranked for your big keyword.

If you build a lot of backlinks fast you will probably get sandboxed. But the sandbox is way less likely if you try to rank for low competition keywords. You will almost never get sandboxed and will start to get traffic instantly. Then a couple of months later your site will start to rank for the real money keywords.

Also, if your site gets sandboxed and its a good site, just keep building links for lower competition keywords and try to change your on page optimizing and after a couple of weeks / months you will start ranking again. You should also have several websites if you’re doing SEO only because otherwise it can be risky to lose your only site. If your site is more viral or more like an actual company / e commerce than focusing only on this one is not a bad idea.

search engine optimization software


Website Rankings – Improve Your Sites Search Engine Standings

website rankings

website rankings

So, your created a website and were expecting page one search engine rankings and thousands of visitors every month. Now, after reality has set in you may be disillusioned with just a couple dozen monthly visitors and keyword rankings that are non-existent.

It may be time to go back to basics and build your website traffic and rankings the old fashioned (but proven) way! Read more


Search Engine Optimization Tips

SEO software

SEO software

Good design, proper key word density, intuitive navigation, correct Meta tags and informative content are all important to achieving top search engine placement. Especially when it comes to real estate sites, they are almost devoid of one critical search engine element… Quality incoming links!

Google, the acknowledged leading search engine, isn’t looking so much at word density with its ranking algorithm, as at what other sites are linking to your firm’s site. Google relies primarily on link popularity for ranking pages. They assign a PageRank to each site they index with 10 being the highest. The vast majority of quality sites rank at least four or above. Google isn’t breaking away from words-on-the-page — it never started there. Read more


Better Visibility on Google

Jefferson Graham from USA Today, interviews Google engineer Matt Cutts on how to get your site to the top of Google with 5 basic, common sense SEO tips. Matt Cutts guests on the USA TODAY Talking Tech web video show.


search engine optimization software


3 Search Engine Optimization Tips

Three good, but basic search engine optimization tips very well documented in this short SEO video:


SEO software downloads