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August 26, 2009


#1 EZ Way to Make Money with YOUR Blog or Site

by oakhead112

Google AdSense is an EZ way to earn some additional income from your blog/website.  There is no cost to set up your Google AdSense account. In addition to extra income, if set up correctly, you can track the visitors to each page where you have the Google AdSense code setup.

As in life, and especially the Internet, take advice only from proven sources. Many website owners say AdSense is not worth the time for the small amount of income it generates. Like anything else, if you intend to use AdSense to generate income, why not do it correctly? Nothing comes easily, but done right, I know some who make a living on AdSense!

Just a few days ago, without doing anything beyond my normal hour per day AdSense work, I had a very nice daily return. Take a look at the edited AdSense statement:

Adsense income

Adsense income

Most website owners with Adsense are lucky to earn over $1.00 per day. Sometimes much more is possible, if time invested, the website theme, site popularity and a little luck all come together.

I’m going to be putting out information soon on exactly how I go about generating this nice income from Google. I may have to limit the number of people I provide this information to, so I would suggest if you are interested, get a free subscription to this blog. The subscriptions (both RSS & email) are handled by Google’s Freedburner service. You can cancel at any time.  Once the ebook is ready I’ll announce it here and my subscribers will be automatically notified.

The typical real estate agent does not utilize Adsense and if they do, in many cases it’s not implemented to correctly maximize revenue and or prevent the loss of potential clients. I’ll show you the ‘inside’ tips that I’ve learned by actual implementation on many real estate and other sites/blogs over the years.

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5 Comments Post a comment
  1. Aug 27 2009

    I might know a couple lawyers and related careers that do AdSense incorrectly! I don’t want to end up like them so I’ll be sure to keep tabs on the upcoming info! Thanks so much!

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  2. Adsense didn’t work for me as you say it works for you. Perhaps it is because I don’t know how to use it correctly?

    San Diego Lodging

  3. Adsense is a great way to get money and clicks. Post on blogs, forums, social networking sites, video sites, there are tons of ways. Just throw links to your site all over the place. Sooner or later it will help your search engine ranking and you will get more search engine traffic. Also make sure your site is search engine optimized.

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  4. Getting traffic is a combination of a lot of things. The key to success is to create great content that visitors want to use, search engines will love and other websites will naturally link to. Of course, it’s easier said than done.

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  5. ebay
    Sep 23 2009

    This is nice information I didint knew all this… I need to learn more.

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