Wishing you good times, good cheer, and a memorable new year. All of us at www.websitetrafficbuilders.com San Diego want to thank you for your business, loyalty, and support in 2015. We look forward to being a part of your success in 2016!  

Create Quality Video Content Without Creating a Single Video…

[Video Curation] Create Quality Video Content Without Creating a Single Video…

video marketing WordPress pluginThis new software is a real game changer, you can create stunning video website and cash in on the video buzzing trend… WITHOUT ever creating a single video!

– You don’t need to have a single video
– You don’t need to act in front of camera
– You don’t need to produce videos
– No programming and design skills needed

Don’t just take my words, click the link below to see it yourself:


This revolutionary software is called Elegant TubePress! (more…)

Quick Way To Top of Search Engines …

Top of Search Engines

Top of Search Engines

A SIMPLE 48 Hour Ranking Trick

Are you a real estate broker or real estate agent? If so, I’m sure you have your own website. I’m also sure that you realize the only way to take full advantage of your website and the Internet, is to be sure that your site ranks on page 1,2 or page 3 of the top search engine results.

The truth is if your site is not ranking well you probably aren’t even making back your hosting fees for your website! Sure, everybody wants to be on page 1,2 or three but if you’re in a town like San Diego with thousands of real estate agents, that’s real competition!

So, if you want to keep things as they were for 2015 as far as business from your website goes, stop reading this post right now! Now, if you want to improve your website potential for generating new business in 2016, please read on. . .

How would you like a formula that allows you to jump starting to the top of Bing and Yahoo in a matter of days with brand new sites?


Biggest WordPress security RISK ever…

WordPress security software

WordPress security software

If you think your WordPress sites are safe… think again…
watch this WP Site get HACKED IN SECONDS…
Specialists in IT/security found that
6 TOP Security plugins were TOTALLY INEFFECTIVE against exploits…
Worse still some of the best security plugins were hiding dangerous exploits:
“Most  WP plugins are written by amateurs without any defensive coding skills”… said the vendors
THIS IS A HUGE PROBLEM as 92% of WP sites are hacked this way…
