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WordPress Backup EZ Way To Save Or Clone Your Blog

WordPress Backup – Subject: 23,877 WordPress Sites At The Click of a Button?

Did you know that if you lost your website tomorrow (or even just one file on your website)
that you can get it back instantly if you just click the one “BACK UP” button beforehand?

How about this… you no longer have to spend hours setting up a new WordPress site, just
get it the way you want it and you can back it up and then restore it to a new location… Read more


Website Lawsuit Protection

Website lawsuit protection

website lawsuits

Lawyers might be laughing but you won’t if you’re sued because of outdated, improperly worded or just the missing website disclosure or privacy policy.

If you have a website or blog. I call it cheap insurance to have a good updated privacy policy and legal disclosures. As we all know today’s society is very prone to threaten or file a lawsuit for the slightest perceived or real, legal infraction. Just consulting with an attorney. We usually set one back a couple of hundred dollars. Hiring an attorney for putting them on retainer you’re now talking about thousands. Read more