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December 16, 2015

Biggest WordPress security RISK ever…

by oakhead112

WordPress security software

WordPress security software

If you think your WordPress sites are safe… think again…
watch this WP Site get HACKED IN SECONDS…
Specialists in IT/security found that
6 TOP Security plugins were TOTALLY INEFFECTIVE against exploits…
Worse still some of the best security plugins were hiding dangerous exploits:
“Most  WP plugins are written by amateurs without any defensive coding skills”… said the vendors
THIS IS A HUGE PROBLEM as 92% of WP sites are hacked this way…

Common Hack Attack Types Explained:
WordPress EXPLOIT – (92% of direct hack attacks) – a badly written plugin/theme allows a hacker to execute a command/script that gives them control of your site…
FACT – popular security plugins & services DON’T offer any protection against this.
WordPress BRUTE FORCE ATTACK – (8% of direct hack attack) – Multiple attempts to guess your username/password & take control of your site
FACT – most popular security plugins & services are good at blocking this attack… but can’t deal with new amplified XMLRPC attacks.
WordPress DDOS – (“break the site” hack attack)  – this is an attempt to flood your site with requests so your server falls over
FACT –  Plugins CAN’T deal with this attack – you would need to use a third party service like Cloudflare or bespoke hardware protection
In a nutshell …If you run WP sites – you need to act NOW  & protect against exploits as you are not covered against the #1 risk to your site
WP Site Guardian is ONLY tool on the market with REAL TIME Intrusion detection,  LIVE  EXPLOIT ATTACK BLOCKING + Intruder attempt notifications

>> CLICK HERE to Take Action Now and Protect Your WordPress Sites 





WordPress security software

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